[redland] make test fails 12 times

Eric Lease Morgan eric_morgan at ncsu.edu
Tue Apr 10 18:02:30 BST 2001

I am trying to compile Redland on my RedHat 6.2 box, and make test fails 12
times because it does not seem to be able to find libwwwxml.so.0. Can you
tell me where I have gone wrong?

I configured like this:

  ./configure --with-bdb=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.1 --with-libwww

Everything seems pretty good, but when make test I get this times 12:

  ./rdf_node_test: error in loading shared libraries: libwwwxml.so.0:
  cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I just installed complied and installed libwww and libwwwxml.so.0 resides in

What am I missing?

Eric Lease Morgan
NCSU Libraries

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