[redland] Re: Redland/Raptor problem

James Michael DuPont mdupont777 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 15 09:31:01 GMT 2003

please post this also to the mailling list :)
I hope you dont mind that i forward your mail.

And  for raptor issues :
redland at yahoogroups.com

the current issue : ah yes 

that is the change in the interator ;
in the new system you use

my $iterator=$model->targets_iterator($source_node, $arc_node);
  while($iterator && !$iterator->end) {
    my $node=$iterator->current;

in the older you use 
i next just next, and that returns the current 
iirc : 
my $iterator=$model->targets_iterator($source_node, $arc_node);
  while (defined($x))
   $x  =   $iterator->next;
I cannot acces the cvs web, so i cannot tell you right now how i did

--- Bernardi Mario Luca <marioluca at inwind.it> wrote:
> Hi mike , 
> i'm having some problems with RDF_Stats & redland.
> In the handler package you have used ->current() method that belong
> only
> to the cvs version of redland. 

> I've compiled the cvs version lib with success but the perl interface
> give me an error on swig processing. It says there is a syntax error
> on
> Redland.i. 

Hmm... i did not reprocess the swig, just used the code in there.

> I've swig 1.3.10 , do you know there are some issues ( i
> must
> use a particular version ) ? What version you have for redland?

I used cvs head. But oh god, i hope that this is not the mixed up cvs +
release version that i have been testing with!

> I'll also ask this question on redland irc channel.


James Michael DuPont

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