[redland-dev] Redland for Revolution & questions

Suzan Foster su at islief.nl
Thu Oct 14 12:54:23 BST 2004

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Suzan Foster <su at islief.nl>
> Date: October 14, 2004 1:29:40 PM CEST
> To: rodney tamblyn <rodney at stonebow.otago.ac.nz>
> Subject: Re: [redland-dev] Redland for Revolution & questions
> On Oct 14, 2004, at 12:58 PM, rodney tamblyn wrote:
>> At the moment I have a problem which I'm hoping list members may be 
>> able to help with.  If I create a memory storage I'm able to complete 
>> the example above successfully.  However if change the storage params 
>> to create a hashes database, and repeat, the persistent database is 
>> created successfully on disk, but Rev crashes when calling 
>> librdf_model_print.  I've also tried creating a serializer and 
>> calling serializer_print_model_to_file with same results.  Executing 
>> the same code directly from C as a compiled application (eg 
>> example1.exe) runs fine.
>> If I create an example which just reads a model from a hashes 
>> database on disk, and feed it the database created by Rev, it prints 
>> the model out fine.  This shows that there's nothing wrong with the 
>> model, or storage, but there's something going on in the serializer 
>> when called from Rev.  I think what may be happening is that the 
>> serializer is raising an error, but I have not implemented an error 
>> callback message (world_set_error).  Perhaps this is then returning 
>> control from the external to Rev in such a way as to cause an memory 
>> exception error.
> It's usually an issue with runtimes when you get memory exceptions in 
> dll's. I was having similar problems with raptor code. When compiling 
> with VC++ check that you're building all libraries with /MD for 
> release and /MDd for debug, /MT and /MTd for the executable. With your 
> code it sounds like you're passing file handles over runtime 
> boundaries.
> grtz, su.
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