[redland-dev] Digests, Endianness and Bit Order

Morten Frederiksen mof-rdf at mfd-consult.dk
Sun Apr 24 11:00:29 BST 2005

Hi Simon,

On Monday 18 April 2005 16:17, Simon Cross wrote:
> Okay. Have now confirmed this and opened a new bug (since it seems
> somewhat separate to the original issue):
> http://bugs.librdf.org/mantis/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=23
The patch looks good, although I can't test it, since I only have access to 
x86 machines.

However, the "bug" seems to imply that moving database content between 
architectures was a goal, which it wasn't. Still, it's a good thing that it 
seems to be possible, but there might be more issues concerning character 
sets etc. in the database engine, which is why I didn't see the need.


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