[redland-dev] Does Rasqal support xsd:dataType?

Hyunki Kim hkk at etri.re.kr
Tue Apr 25 04:23:28 BST 2006

Dear Beckett,

I got the same versions of rasqal(v0.9.11) and raptor as yours.
I have successfully got the query results to the memory triple store with
roqet utility,
But to the mysql store, I could not get the results.
Please try with the mysql store.
Thanks for your consideration.



-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Beckett [mailto:dave at dajobe.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 12:05 PM
To: Hyunki Kim
Cc: 'Seaborne, Andy'; 'Christopher Schmidt'; redland-dev at lists.librdf.org
Subject: Re: [redland-dev] Does Rasqal support xsd:dataType?

Hyunki Kim wrote:
> Dear members,
> Many thanks to Andy and Christopher.
> According to Andy's comments, I fixed the SPARQL query statement and 
> the sample RDF document as follows:


> However, I found that the current version of Redland does not support 
> the DATATYPE operator (http://librdf.org/rasqal/TODO.html).
> In addition, I had no results when I issued the query to Redland mysql 
> storage.
> Contary to the Redland mysql storage, when I queried to memory 
> storage, I had a result.
> I would appreciate any kind of hints.
> Thanks.

Seems to work for me with the last released rasqal 0.9.11:

$ roqet --version
$ roqet --source data.rdf query.rq
roqet: Querying from file query.rq
roqet: Query has a variable bindings result
roqet: Query returned 1 results

and the last released redland:

$ rdfproc --version
$ rdfproc test parse data.rdf
rdfproc: Parsing URI file:///Users/dajobe/data.rdf with default parser $
rdfproc test query sparql - "`cat query.rq`"
rdfproc: Query returned bindings results:
result: [d=2006-04-14T16:33:01
rdfproc: Query returned 1 results

where data.rdf and query.rq are the files you gave in your email.

Maybe you've got an older version of redland & rasqal?

( you can try the newer Subversion code at http://librdf.org/query too )


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