[redland-dev] rdfproc error with parse-stream option

Renaud Delbru renaud.delbru at deri.org
Sun Apr 30 15:13:12 BST 2006



I have tried to manage context with redland. Using rdfproc (redland, I create parse a file to add triples in a context :


$ rdfproc test-store parse-stream test-person.rdf rdfxml
'http://m3pe.org/test#' 'my_context' -c


This works correctly, but when I try to query the database to retrieve
context name :


$ rdfproc test-store query sparql 'http://m3pe.org/test#' 'SELECT ?c WHERE {
GRAPH ?c { ?s ?p ?o } }' -c


I have an empty result.


I have updated to redland 1.0.3, raptor 1.4.9, rasqal-0.9.11 (on ubuntu
breezy) and now, when I try to parse a file with :


$ rdfproc test-store parse-stream test-person.rdf rdfxml
'http://m3pe.org/test#' 'my_context' -c


I have the error :

rdfproc: Error - Unknown Raptor predicate identifier type 1


rdfproc: Error - Unknown Raptor predicate identifier type 1

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0805f570 ***


I use rdfproc to set up my data test set, and now I cannot continue to load
triples in a specific context. Do you have a solution ?


I try actually to manage redland context in ActiveRDF. I can add and delete
triple in a specific context but  the only things which doesn't work for the
moment is to query (with model.query_execute of the ruby binding) a specific
context. It seems to me that the only way is to use the GRAPH matching of
sparql. I have wrong ?

I have just seen on http://librdf.org/rasqal/TODO.html#sparql that sparql
doesn't manage Restricting
by Graph IRI. Do you have any other solution to get query results only for a
specific context, and no for the whole graph ?





Renaud Delbru 

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