[redland-dev] Bug - Python Bindings

Chris Murphy chrismurf at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 04:21:58 GMT 2006

  A friend attempted to file a bug report on this error, but the bug
report system just said 'field has an invalid value' when she
attempted to submit.

--  Error with Redland Python Bindings - including latest CVS--

The RDF.Model constructor allowing you to create a copy of an existing
model calls new_model_from_model with 2 arguments (a storage and a
model) rather than the required 1 (just the model).

Section of RDF.py causing the problem:

654-    elif args.has_key('model'):
655:      self._model=Redland.librdf_new_model_from_model(storage._storage,
656-                                                     args['model']._model)

I tried modifying that line to just not pass the storage argument, but
that results in a segmentation fault, so there must be something more
complex going on.

Thank you,

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