[redland-dev] Re: redland tarball without raptor & rasqal included

Michael Stahl Michael.Stahl at Sun.com
Fri Apr 25 09:11:03 BST 2008

Dave Beckett wrote:
> Michael Stahl wrote:
>> ...
>> PS: just for the record, i would find it useful if there were a 
>> tarball of librdf that does not contain raptor and rasqal
> I've been wondering about doing that.  Does anyone else rely on it?
> The consequence would be you'd need to build & install raptor and
> rasqal first, and they'd have to be compatible versions.  The
> redland all-in-one tarball guarantees there are compatible ones
> around.
> Dave

well, there is another option:
you could do a just-librdf tarball in addition to the all-in-one, so users 
can choose which style they prefer.
but maybe that is additional work, so i would understand if you don't like 
to do it :)
(currently i have the problem that i need the latest raptor because the 
previous one does not work on solaris 8 which lacks C99 math functions)


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