[redland-dev] installing redland on win32

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 16:58:33 CEST 2009

Hello All,

I have tried installing Redland on windows for a couple of days now. I have
downloaded the raptor, rasqal, Redland-bindings, and Redland-1.0.9. 

When I do a ./configure on Redland, it points out that raptor is not
installed. I then cd into raptor and do the ./configure. At the end, a build
summary is shown and then I do a 'nmake install'. Nothing happens (nmake
returns right away; should I install cygwins make?).

I then go into rasqal and do the same thing.

When I get back to Redland, I obviously didn't do things correctly because
it is still complaining about raptor. I should mention that I also tried
adding the win32 dlls to my PATH, but that didn't solve things either.

Then I downloaded Redland-1.0.5. Did the ./configure (from within cygwin)
thing again. In the end, I am presented with the build summary:

Rasqal build summary:
  RDF query languages available : rdql sparql
  RDF query languages enabled   : rdql sparql
  Triples source                : raptor internal

Redland build summary:
  Berkeley/Sleepycat DB   : Missing
  Triple stores available : file hashes(memory)
  Triple stores enabled   : memory file hashes
  RDF parsers             : raptor(internal)
  RDF query               : rasqal(internal)
  Content digests         : md5(openssl) sha1(openssl) ripemd160(openssl)

If I then type 'nmake' , nothing happens. If I type 'nmake' from within a
dos prompt, I get the following error:


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.50
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.

makefile(120) : fatal error U1001: syntax error : illegal character '{' in

I guess the question is, does Redland work on windows. From prior posts, it
seems like the answer is yes. My next question is, how do I go about
installing it on windows? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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