[redland-dev] N-quads problem with rapper?

Tony Hammond tony.hammond at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 18:31:27 CET 2011


Am I doing something wrong? I don't seem to be able to generate
n-quads successfully using rapper 2.0.0. For some reason the output
always repeats the object value (whether literal or resource) in place
of the graph context.

See below a simple attempt to roundtrip n-quads. (I get similar
results when using trig as an input.)

This was run on Mac OSX (10.6.6) and I also tried with similar results
on Ubuntu 10.04.



% cat test.nq
<http://example/s1> <http://example/p1> "o1" <http://example/c1>  .
<http://example/s2> <http://example/p2> <http://example/o2>
<http://example/c2>  .

% rapper -i nquads -o nquads test.nq
rapper: Parsing URI file:///Users/tony/Developer/data-new/test.nq with
parser nquads
rapper: Serializing with serializer nquads
<http://example/s1> <http://example/p1> "o1" "o1" .
<http://example/s2> <http://example/p2> <http://example/o2>
<http://example/o2> .
rapper: Parsing returned 2 triples

% rapper -v

% rapper -h
Raptor RDF syntax parsing and serializing utility 2.0.0
Parse RDF syntax from a source into serialized RDF triples.

Copyright (C) 2000-2010 David Beckett - http://www.dajobe.org/
Copyright (C) 2000-2005 University of Bristol - http://www.bristol.ac.uk/
License: LGPL 2.1 or newer, GPL 2 or newer, Apache 2.0 or newer.
See http://librdf.org/raptor/LICENSE.html for full terms.
Raptor home page: http://librdf.org/raptor/


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