[redland-dev] DELETE WHERE failing

Maxence Guesdon Maxence.Guesdon at inria.fr
Wed Mar 21 11:27:40 EDT 2012


I'm trying to execute a DELETE WHERE query. Since it does not do anything,
I'm trying to find the problem using roqet.

I'm trying the example from

# cat > t.ttl
@prefix foaf:  <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .

<http://example/william> a foaf:Person .
<http://example/william> foaf:givenName "William" .
<http://example/william> foaf:mbox  <mailto:bill at example> .

<http://example/fred> a foaf:Person .
<http://example/fred> foaf:givenName "Fred" .
<http://example/fred> foaf:mbox  <mailto:fred at example> .

#  roqet -W 100 -i sparql11-update -D t.ttl -e "PREFIX foaf:  <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
DELETE WHERE { ?person foaf:givenName 'Fred';
                       ?property      ?value }"

But all I get is:
roqet: Running query 'PREFIX foaf:  <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>

DELETE WHERE { ?person foaf:givenName 'Fred';
                       ?property      ?value }'
roqet: Query execution failed

Do you know how I could know what's wrong ? I tried searching for DELETE in
bug tracker but did not find anything.



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