[redland-dev] Setting attrbutes of an RDF statement (in Ada bindings)

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Fri Aug 22 00:45:35 EDT 2014

On 8/15/14, 3:45 PM, Victor Porton wrote:
> The following Ada code retrieves attributes of an RDF statements.
>    function Get_Subject   (Statement: Statement_Type_Without_Finalize) return RDF.Raptor.Term.Term_Type_Without_Finalize;
>    function Get_Predicate (Statement: Statement_Type_Without_Finalize) return RDF.Raptor.Term.Term_Type_Without_Finalize;
>    function Get_Object    (Statement: Statement_Type_Without_Finalize) return RDF.Raptor.Term.Term_Type_Without_Finalize;
>    function Get_Graph     (Statement: Statement_Type_Without_Finalize) return RDF.Raptor.Term.Term_Type_Without_Finalize; -- may return null handle
> Should I also make code which would set the attributes?
> As for now all four attributes are set by:
>    function New_Statement (World: RDF.Raptor.World.World_Type_Without_Finalize'Class;
>                                           Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph: RDF.Raptor.Term.Term_Type_Without_Finalize)
>                                           return Statement_Type;
> when a statement is created.
> Should there be code which sets them afterward (not when the statement is created, but later)?

Generally a statement should be created once and the fields not changed.

The reason for the accessors is when the library is returning a statement
such as from a parser.  If your language prefers built in accessors to
fields/attributes of raptor_statement, you don't need the wrappers.  It's
up to you.


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