[redland-dev] [rapper] Use random names for blank nodes

Nicholas Humfrey njh at aelius.com
Sun Apr 23 08:40:15 EDT 2017

Dear F,

There isn't any functionality in the rapper command line tool for 
choosing different identifier generator.

However libraptor does have support for custom generation of blank node 


There is some documentation for this here:

And the default implementation is defined here:

librdf uses a seperate implementation, to ensure that every blank node 
in a world is unique:

The challenge with identifier generation is ensuring that they are 
I guess you could write some kind of hash function that hashes the 
integer identifier, but that wouldn't result in different bnode 
identifiers in different documents. Creating a random seed also wouldn't 
guarantee it, but would significantly reduce the risk.

The advantage of blank node identifiers like _:genid1, is that they 
don't pretend that there won't be conflicts between documents.


On 2017-04-21 01:56, F wrote:
> Hello,
>     I'm trying to use rapper to convert a bunch of rdf/xml files to nt.
> Currently, it's assigning sequential names to blank nodes, like
> _:genid1, _:genid2, and so forth. I'd like to know if it's possible to
> use more randomized names instead (something like
> _:olret5ry67uyhgrt5zcx).
> Thank you.
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