Hi:<br> It's my first time to send mail in this list and ask for help. So please tell me if I make some mistake in using this mail list :D<br> I recently had a problem in using redland. I want to store the data via sqlite storage module. And according to the API on the <a href="http://librdf.org">librdf.org</a>, I used the following<br>
world=librdf_new_world();<br> librdf_world_open(world);<br> storage=librdf_new_storage(world,"sqlite","new='yes'");<br> But I got NULL value of storage. I had installed sqlite3 in my ubuntu 8.04 and I the sqlite3 worked well. Can you help me with this problem. Thanks a lot.<br>
<br>Fancy<br>TSU<br>Beijing, China