[redland-announce] ANNOUNCEMENT: Redland RDF Libraries 1.0.10

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Thu Dec 17 04:31:03 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

		     Redland RDF Libraries 1.0.10

Redland is a Free Software / Open Source C library that provides a
high-level API for the Resource Description Framework (RDF) allowing
the RDF graph to be parsed, serialized, stored, queried and
manipulated.  It is a mature and portable library that works on POSIX
systems (Unix, GNU/Linux, BSDs, OSX, cygwin) and others.

Redland implements each of the RDF concepts in its own class via an
object based API, reflected into the other language APIs such as
Perl, PHP and Python provided by the Redland Bindings[1].  Many of
the classes implementations for parsers and triple stores are built
as modules that can be added or removed as required.

The main changes in this version since the last release 2009-04-12 are:
  * Added a Virtuoso storage by Patrick van Kleef of Openlink
  * Support [2]Rasqal 0.9.17 API
  * Fix compiling against sqlite 3.6.17 or newer
  * Fix modular storage dynamic loading linking problems. Several other bug
    fixes including addressing issues: Issue #0000302, Issue #0000304,
    Issue #0000311, Issue #0000315 and Issue #0000317.

For full details see the Redland 1.0.10 release notes at

Redland requires Rasqal 0.9.16[2] or newer and Raptor 1.4.17[3] or
newer which are packaged and distributed separately.

Binary deb packages for Debian unstable will be made available
shortly via the standard debian archive and download.librdf.org.

Sources are also available from the Redland SourceForge mirror site
at http://sourceforge.net/projects/librdf/ although the site is such
a usability disaster that I'm not likely to use it anymore.

The http://librdf.org/ site lets you browse and check out the latest
version of the sources in Subversion and use Raptor in various demos
as part of Redland such as Triplr http://triplr.org/

For more information on Redland, Raptor or Rasqal please join
the redland-dev list by visiting http://librdf.org/lists/
or visit IRC channel #redland on irc.freenode.net

Issues should be reported to http://bugs.librdf.org/


[1] Redland Language Bindings

[2] Rasqal RDF Query Library

[3] Raptor RDF parser and serializer library,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)


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