[redland] Redland News 2000-11-22

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Nov 22 12:57:06 GMT 2000

Here's a summary of what I've been doing since the last update

* Wrote a paper on Redland for WWW10 describing the reasons for it,
  design and implementation.  I'll see if I can make some form of it
  available while it's being reviewed if I can find the submission

* Continued to use the RSS 1.0 demo at
  as a way to test the code stability and (Perl) interface.  The
  results are looking pretty good and I tidied up the demo such that
  it tries to validate the RSS 1.0 and present Dublin Core and RSS
  Syndication metadata when found.

* The above work meant updating the Perl RSS module and gave more
  indications what core API support is needed for using the RDF
  model.  I am going to add more of the node-centric stuff like
  arcs-in, arcs-out after the style of Mozilla's RDF interfaces.

* I noted that Mozilla also has an interface for RDF containers that
  looks appropriate to use in Redland so you can do all the container
  operations above the raw triple / node-arc level.

* Finished full support for the Repat parser handling XML literal
  content and rdf:_<ordinal> properties.

* Started work on Redland's RDF parser.  It is a formal
  grammar-centric handcrafted parser handling XML namespaces itself
  to help with things like rdf:resource/resource problems.
  It is around 40% complete at present.

* Avoided doing any implementing on support for Statement / fReified
  Statements due to the confusing discussions on RDF-IG list with all
  that logic, maths, KR, ...? jargon and made-up syntaxes for


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