[redland] perl requirements

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk
Mon Oct 23 12:16:13 BST 2000

>>>"Sigfrid Lundberg, Lub NetLab" said:
> My perl installation fails to run the perl version api. What are the
> requirements (which perl versions has the module been tested on).

I'm running it on Redhat 6.2 with Perl 5.005_03 and haven't tested it
on other versions.

What part failed?  Compiling the perl modules or running them?

I enclose a test run of building the perl modules, testing and
running the examples below [For version 0.9.6 but nothing changed
there yet]

For the next release I'll put out an RPM of the perl modules too, so
for at least RedHat 6.2 users, there will be an easy installation path.



linux$ cd perl

linux$ make build-perl
PACKAGE=Redland VERSION=0.9.6 TOP_SRCDIR=.. perl Makefile.PL
Writing Makefile.perl for Redland
make -f Makefile.perl
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/redland/redland-0.9.5/perl'
mkdir blib
mkdir blib/lib
mkdir blib/arch
mkdir blib/arch/auto
mkdir blib/arch/auto/Redland
mkdir blib/lib/auto
mkdir blib/lib/auto/Redland
cp lib/RDF/Statement.pm blib/lib/RDF/Statement.pm
cp lib/RDF/Storage.pm blib/lib/RDF/Storage.pm
cp lib/RDF/Node.pm blib/lib/RDF/Node.pm
cp Redland.pm blib/lib/Redland.pm
cp lib/RDF/Iterator.pm blib/lib/RDF/Iterator.pm
cp lib/RDF/Stream.pm blib/lib/RDF/Stream.pm
cp lib/RDF/Parser.pm blib/lib/RDF/Parser.pm
cp lib/RDF/URI.pm blib/lib/RDF/URI.pm
cp lib/RDF/Model.pm blib/lib/RDF/Model.pm
cp lib/RDF.pm blib/lib/RDF.pm
cc -c  -I.. -O2 -m486 -fno-strength-reduce    -DVERSION=\"0.9.6\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.9.6\" -fpic -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -Dbool=char -DHAVE_CONFIG_H Redland_wrap.c
Redland_wrap.c: In function `_wrap_set_redland_copyright_string':
Redland_wrap.c:482: warning: passing arg 1 of `free' discards `const' from pointer target type
Redland_wrap.c:483: warning: assignment of read-only variable `redland_copyright_string'
Redland_wrap.c:484: warning: passing arg 1 of `__strcpy_small' discards `const' from pointer target type
Redland_wrap.c:484: warning: passing arg 1 of `memcpy' discards `const' from pointer target type
Redland_wrap.c:484: warning: passing arg 1 of `strcpy' discards `const' from pointer target type
Redland_wrap.c: In function `_wrap_set_redland_version_string':
Redland_wrap.c:504: warning: passing arg 1 of `free' discards `const' from pointer target type
Redland_wrap.c:505: warning: assignment of read-only variable `redland_version_string'
Redland_wrap.c:506: warning: passing arg 1 of `__strcpy_small' discards `const' from pointer target type
Redland_wrap.c:506: warning: passing arg 1 of `memcpy' discards `const' from pointer target type
Redland_wrap.c:506: warning: passing arg 1 of `strcpy' discards `const' from pointer target type
cc -c  -I.. -O2 -m486 -fno-strength-reduce    -DVERSION=\"0.9.6\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.9.6\" -fpic -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -Dbool=char -DHAVE_CONFIG_H redland_perl.c
Running Mkbootstrap for Redland ()
chmod 644 Redland.bs
LD_RUN_PATH="" cc -o blib/arch/auto/Redland/Redland.so  -shared -L/usr/local/lib Redland_wrap.o redland_perl.o ../librdf.a -L/usr/local/db-2.7.7/lib -ldb     
chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Redland/Redland.so
cp Redland.bs blib/arch/auto/Redland/Redland.bs
chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Redland/Redland.bs
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/redland/redland-0.9.5/perl'

linux$ make test-perl
make -f Makefile.perl test
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/redland/redland-0.9.5/perl'
LD_RUN_PATH="" cc -o blib/arch/auto/Redland/Redland.so  -shared -L/usr/local/lib Redland_wrap.o redland_perl.o ../librdf.a -L/usr/local/db-2.7.7/lib -ldb     
chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Redland/Redland.so
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/local/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503 test.pl
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/redland/redland-0.9.5/perl'

linux$ perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib example.pl
Statement: {[http://purl.org/net/dajobe/], [http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator], "Dave Beckett"}
Subject: [http://purl.org/net/dajobe/]
Predicate: [http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator]
Object: Dave Beckett

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