[redland] Re: make test fails 12 times

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Apr 12 00:31:21 BST 2001

>>>Eric Lease Morgan said:
> > I am trying to compile Redland on my RedHat
> >6.2 box, and make test fails 12 times...

Belatedly, yes the answer is /usr/local/lib isn't normally in the
dynamic linking path (when not set with LD_LIBRARY_PATH), but it
depends on your operating system - true for the default configuration
of Linuxen I've seen (see /etc/ld.so.conf for the default list but
I don't recommend changing this)

> Okay. After remaking libwww and installing it in /usr instead of 
> /usr/local all my tests pass. Whew. After the Makefile for the Perl 
> modules so it would install in /usr instead of /usr/local I was then 
> able to install the Perl modules. Whew times two!
> Now for some testing...

Good luck.

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