[redland] SegFault with python interface
andreasharth at yahoo.com
andreasharth at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 8 20:51:13 BST 2001
I'm new to the RDF arena and wanted to play around with the
technology. Google found redland, and the package seems quite
interesting, especially the python interface. Anyways, after compiling
and installing the stuff I get SegFaults when I try to run the Python
test program.
~/redland-0.9.9/python/test$ python2 test.py
Creating RDF.model args= {}
Creating RDF.node args= {'uri_string': 'http://purl.org/net/dajobe/'}
Creating RDF.node args= {'uri_string':
Creating RDF.node args= {'literal': 'Dave Beckett'}
Creating RDF.statement object args {'subject': <RDF.node instance at
0x809900c>, 'predicate': <RDF.node instance at 0x8099264>, 'object':
<RDF.node instance at 0x8056d84>}
Destroying RDF.node
Destroying RDF.node
Destroying RDF.node
Segmentation fault
Python 2.0.1 on a debian box:
~/redland-0.9.9/python/test$ python2
Python 2.0.1 (#0, Jun 23 2001, 23:50:30)
[GCC 2.95.4 20010319 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2
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Installation seemed to work smoothly, but maybe I am missing
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