[redland] ANNOUNCEMENT: Redland RDF Application Framework 0.9.8

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk
Mon Feb 5 12:11:30 GMT 2001

	       Redland RDF Application Framework 0.9.8

Redland 0.9.8 has been released and the main changes are:

* Added Tcl interface

* Added Rapier RDF parser, written by me (alpha quality) and made some
  changes to support it.  This is a slightly newer version than the
  first standalone release.

* More fixes to Perl interface to fix crashes

* Added Perl RDF::RSS method as_xhtml for simple RSS 1.0 to (X)HTML

The release consists of the full sources, RPM binaries and SRPMS
packages for RedHat Linux 6.2.  It is also available from the
Redland SourceForge mirror site at http://sourceforge.net/projects/librdf/


There are still some (lots!) of bugs in Rapier but I haven't had time
to fix them recently.  It has been a month since the last release so
I'm just shipping code.  The RDF::RSS stuff is nice - 5 line
RSS-in-a-box if you want.

The perl bugs previously reported have all been fixed, or more
accurately, avoided.  There are still some memory leaks in using
Redland via Perl because Perl insists on hanging on to objects that
should be destroyed.

I'm toying with the idea of automatically making nightly snapshots of
sources available since at present I can't give open access to our
CVS archive - that's a TODO.

The Tcl interface was easy to add - took about 2 hours this weekend
and works nice.  I guess it is now easy to write a GUI for RDF nodes
and arcs stuff.


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