[redland] Best way to use API when using Bags?

Seth Ladd seth at brivo.net
Thu Aug 8 12:23:21 BST 2002


We're rolling along with our work with redland.  We have a model that 
contains Bags of resources.  I think we're kinda missing something in 
the API to efficiently handling Bags.

We have a model something like (excuse my nTriples) :

_:group _:members _:A0 .
_:A0 rdf:type rdf:Bag .
_:A0 rdf:li <http://member/uri> .
_:A0 rdf:li <http://member/uri> .
_:A0 rdf:li <http://member/uri> .

I'm trying to say that an object group has members which is a Bag.  That 
bag has resources that are people.

we're trying to efficiently say "Get all groups that person X is a 
member of".  If Group had a property hasMember then this would be easy, 
but because we made a Bag of members, this seems to be hard to find out 
without a lot of walking through the tree.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to use the API to answer a 
question like the above?  We can do something like:

get all statements thta have person X as object
check if type of subject of those statements are rdf:Bag
get statements where predicate is members and object is the bag itself
get the subject of that statement, and check its type == group

Any tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much!
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