[redland-dev] Request for redland PHP on MS windows help

James Michael DuPont mdupont777 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 12 06:14:27 BST 2003

I had also been working on the  php support at one point. The problem I
had was debugging the php engine in general, with the gdb. 

The issue was that you needed to debug the php itself, and load in the
dll. I was not able to set breakpoints inside the dll before it was

But on the the other hand, is this a windows specific problem? I think
that the redland php interface is just as unstable on all plateforms. 

if someone wants to help out, I would stick a couple of evenings and
try and help get the php interface working.


--- Dave Beckett <dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk> wrote:
> I don't use PHP and don't develop on MS Windows but there has been a
> request from Julian for some kind person who has the skills to help
> out
> building php_redland.dll on MS Windows, along whatever support files
> that are needed.   The PHP interface itself needs some improvement to
> make it more native - that would be independent of the OS.
> The thread started on the FOAF development list beginning here:
>   http://rdfweb.org/pipermail/rdfweb-dev/2003-August/011683.html
> and continued (broken thread) 
>   http://rdfweb.org/pipermail/rdfweb-dev/2003-August/011706.html
> If you think you'd like to help, dig in or ask me for more
> information.
> I think Julian would be interested in helping out too but admits
> he's not such a low-level C programmer.
> Dave
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James Michael DuPont

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