[redland-dev] Re: Problems with the Python interface :

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Feb 12 23:31:45 GMT 2003

Of course Yahoogroups didn't send me this mail so I'm replying after
scraping this message from the archive I just made for the list move.

>>>"James Michael DuPont <mdupont777 at yahoo.com>" said:
> I must be doing something wrong in installing this:
> mdupont at introspector:~/development/dotgnu/foafbot-0.4$ python foafbot.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "foafbot.py", line 21, in ?
> import RDF
> File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/RDF.py", line 87, in ?
> import Redland;
> ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Redland.so: undefined
> symbol: librdf_model_context_remove_statements
> The lib contains a reference to :
> foafbot-0.4$ grep librdf_model_context_remove_statements
> Redland.so.nm.txt
> 000066e0 t _wrap_librdf_model_context_remove_statements
> U librdf_model_context_remove_statements

you must have an old version of librdf compiled somehow, it is in the
sources and SWIG interface file Redland.i:

$ grep librdf_model_context_remove_statements Redland.i librdf/*.c
Redland.i:int librdf_model_context_remove_statements(librdf_model* model, librdf_node* context);
librdf/rdf_model.c: * librdf_model_context_remove_statements - Remove statements from a model with the given context
librdf/rdf_model.c:librdf_model_context_remove_statements(librdf_model* model,
librdf/rdf_model.c:    librdf_model_context_remove_statements(model, nodes[i]);

I've got some patches to foafbot to update to the 0.9.12 interface
which, I've already sent to Edd.


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