[redland-dev] wrapper for ruby

dominic sisneros dom at sisna.com
Tue Apr 27 10:03:42 BST 2004

Ruby Gems is a new packaging format that is not standard for ruby yet 
but probably will
be one of these days.  It is available at 
http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/.  I released another version
that has both a .gz file and a zip file to make it easier.

Also, I changed the Redland.i file again and am going to need this 
changed.  For all of the
functions that return char* or NULL like

  /* char* or NULL, need special conversions */
  %typemap(ruby,out) char *{
  $result = ($1 == NULL) ? Qnil : rb_str_new2($1);

As for interacting, I would probably like to have it be seamless either 
way.  I know that
your site gets a lot of hits so I would like to have the documentation 
generated from rdoc. mixed with
your site.  I don't know if it would be better for it to just link to 
the rubyforge site or have the main site
under your cvs repository.  Let me know your thoughts on this.

thanks again

On Apr 24, 2004, at 4:11 PM, Dave Beckett wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 21:41:22 -0600 dominic sisneros <dom at sisna.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I was wondering if you could change the Namespace or %module from
>> Redland to RDF::Redland::Core like in
>> the perl version?  I need this because there is already a RDF package
>> for ruby.
> That sounds fine to me.  I'm willing to change to what you feel is best
> practice for the Ruby.
> I was also wondering how to interact with your work at
>   http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-rdf/
> either inside Redland's distribution or outside.
> I wasn't really sure what to do with a gem file, the ruby I had here
> didn't like it:
> $ ruby rdf-0.3.gem
> rdf-0.3.gem:14:in `require': No such file to load -- rubygems 
> (LoadError)
>         from rdf-0.3.gem:14
> and I couldn't see a debian package for it.  Anyone else had a look?
> Dave

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