[redland-dev] Errors happened when parsing RDF files through HTTP protocol by

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Dec 9 02:47:31 PST 2004

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 11:42:36 +0900, Akemi SAITO <akemi at hst.fujitsu.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I mail this mailing list for the first time.
> I am using the Raptor, in order to purse of the RDF file.
> Is there any setup or configuration necessary to do for Raptor?

The 'configure' script does all the configuration that should be
necessary.  Sometimes you might need to fix things but that is quite rare.

> Or if anyone has ever met such a similar case, please give me some hints or
> solution ways.
> Execution enviroment
> OS:Redhat 9.0
> Raptor ver1.4.0
> Error messages___
> ----
> $ rapper.exe
> http://www.mapbureau.com/userdata/donalda/worstplacesforjournalists/data.xml

rapper.exe ?  Are you sure this is Redhat Linux?

> rapper: Parsing URI
> http://www.mapbureau.com/userdata/donalda/worstplacesforjournalists/data.xml
> rapper: Error - URI
> http://www.mapbureau.com/userdata/donalda/worstplacesforjour
> nalists/data.xml - Operation not permitted
> rapper: Failed to parse URI
> http://www.mapbureau.com/userdata/donalda/worstplacesforjournalists/data.xml
> rdfxml content
> rapper: Parsing returned 0 statements
> ----
> Above operations became ok when
> 1. parsing RDF files on local machine.
> 2. using wget command to confirm the proxy setup in office LAN with
> firewalls.
> 3. parsing RDF files at home without proxy server nor firewall.

The error message looks like one caused by failing to retrieve the
URI; no parsing has been done.  During the configure process, it
chooses a library to do the URI retrieval - curl, libxml2 or BSD fetch.

It is possible that this is caused by using a proxy - I can't recall
having tried that.  What library are you using for the web?
configure reports a summary like:

Raptor build summary:
  RDF parsers available : rdfxml ntriples turtle rss-tag-soup
  RDF parsers enabled   : rdfxml ntriples turtle rss-tag-soup
  XML parser            : libxml(system 2.6.16)
  WWW library           : libcurl 7.12.1

so here I'm using libcurl as the WWW library.


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