[redland-dev] Building Redland 0.9.16 on WinXP w/full Cygwin install

brian donovan lists at lophty.com
Tue May 25 20:07:14 BST 2004

Thank you for the pointers Dave - I've taken your advice and things seem 
to be looking better, but I'm still running into difficulties.  Of 
course, after posting my msg, I saw that I'd messed up and put Redland 
0.9.17 in my message subject instead of 0.9.16.  I've fixed it for this 
post and hope that it doesn't mess up the threading in the archives.

The problems now definitely seem to be with the language interfaces 
(I've tried Perl, Python, and Ruby and only the Perl API seems to work, 
but I would really really much rather use Python or Ruby).  I'd like to 
lay out what I've tried and link to the  results and error output of the 
various steps, which I've uploaded to the Web (plain text files).  I'd 
be grateful for any and all advice from anyone on getting the Python and 
Ruby interfaces working (preferably with the versions of each bundled 
with Cygwin).

I don't know whether or not this is significant (including this info 
just in case), but here's the value of my PATH environment variable when 
I began trying to build Redland and the language APIs again this evening :

Files\cvsnt;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_01\bin

I don't recall whether the Cygwin installer puts the Cygwin bin in the 
PATH value at all.  I put it there so that I could access the 
Cygwin-ported utilities from anywhere on my system and placed it at the 
front.  The ruby bin entry there was produced by the Ruby installed from 
RubyForge (<http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=167>) before I installed 
Cygwin and added it to the PATH, but the cygwin bin precedes the ruby 
bin in the value of PATH and ruby --version at a Bash prompt on my 
system tells me the version bundled with Cygwin.

I retried the ./configure, make, make install process beginning with :

./configure --with-python --with-perl --with-ruby --with-java --with-tcl 
1>brians_configure_results.txt 2>brians_configure_errors.txt

then ...

make [sending results and warnings/errors to files as above]

make install [ditto]

I've uploaded the files to (please pardon the ugly Apache directory 
listing) : 

The errors/warnings in the configure step were just warnings and the 
yes/lib stuff was gone since I left out the --with-bdb.  The 
errors/warnings in the make and make install steps nearly all involved 
Redland_wrap and Python.  I'm most interested in having the Python and 
Ruby APIs functioning, but neither is working.

When I tried redlandtest.py : 

When I tried test.rb : 

For no particular reason, just a stab in the dark, I installed 
ActivePython and it placed itself at the head of my PATH environment 
variable, now :

Files\cvsnt;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_01\bin

When I do python --version at a Bash prompt, it directs me to the 
ActivePython installation.  I did ./configure, make, make install again 
(not knowing whether or not to expect a different result).  I've 
uploaded the output of each step :  

The errors and warnings for the make and make install steps are 
different, but redlandtest.py still doesn't work with fundamentally the 
same error messages : 

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