[redland-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Rasqal RDF Query Library 0.9.8

Dave Beckett dave.beckett at bristol.ac.uk
Sun Apr 10 12:39:55 BST 2005

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 12:34:51 +0200
René Puls <rpuls+lists at kcore.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 10.04.2005 um 11:09 schrieb Dave Beckett:
> >   * Query engine uses and binds graph names in queries (SPARQL LOAD,
> >     FROM and GRAPH)
> Do I understand correctly that it is now possible to query contexts
> (as  in Redland contexts)? For example, can I find all contexts which
> have a  given statement, or restrict query results to certain
> contexts?

It will link up to contexts when I've got rasqal-in-redland doing that
correctly.  It might do *something* now in CVS redland + rasqal0.9.8 - I
forget if I've connected it up yet.

Both of your examples should be possible when it's connected up:

find all contexts [graphs] which have a given statement (s p o):
  GRAPH ?c (s p o)

restrict query results to a context [graph] URI u:
  GRAPH <u> (?x p o)

and at some point you should be able to do both at the same time,
although the query engine in rasqal 0.9.8 can't do that yet.


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