[redland-dev] Python bindings compile problem (OS X)

René Puls rpuls+lists at kcore.de
Sun Feb 6 19:55:49 GMT 2005

Am 06.02.2005 um 19:36 schrieb Dave Beckett:

>     Redland RDF Application Framework Language Bindings
> 		     http://librdf.org/bindings/

Compiling the Python bindings fails with a linker error on my OS X 

> gcc -g -O2  -I/opt/extra/include -I/usr/local/berkeleydb/include  -g 
> -O2   -Wl,-F. -Wl,-F. -bundle -framework Python Redland_wrap.so 
> `redland-config --libs` -o Redland.so
> ld: Redland_wrap.so illegal reference to symbol: 
> _raptor_unicode_char_to_utf8 defined in indirectly referenced dynamic 
> library /opt/extra/lib/libraptor.1.dylib
> make[2]: *** [Redland-stamp] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

The package was configured with:

./configure --prefix=/opt/extra --with-perl --with-python

If I edit python/Makefile and add `raptor-config --libs` right before 
it says `redland-config --libs`, it compiles correctly. (That was just 
a lucky guess. I have no idea why this is necessary...)


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