[redland-dev] parse_into_model on bad RDF

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at crschmidt.net
Fri Jan 14 04:10:26 PST 2005

The following python:

import RDF

m = RDF.Model()
p = RDF.Parser()
p.parse_into_model(m, RDF.Uri("http://dannyayers.com/feed/rdf"))

causes an "unhandled error during garbage collection", after which 
Python bails out with an "aborted", after printing:

Exception RDF.RedlandError: <RDF.RedlandError instance at 0x403344cc> in 
'garbage collection' ignored

It seems that it gets out of the Redland stuff before it bails, but it's 
not something I can catch with a try/except.

The feed above is an invalid feed, which may be the problem?

Not really a major concern, but I like to eliminate things which force 
Python to bail out, since they cause julie to collapse.

Christopher Schmidt
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