[redland-dev] Patch for URI parsing on Windows

John C Barstow jbowtie at amathaine.com
Fri Sep 9 12:17:30 BST 2005

Dave Beckett wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-09-09 at 22:34 +1200, John C Barstow wrote:
>>Also attaching as a file in case a mail client munges the text. I'm 
>>uploading new Windows packages as I write this.
>That looks a plausible fix.
>I applied it and ran the test suite:
>lt-raptor_uri_win32_test: raptor_uri_uri_string_to_filename(file:c:
>\thing) FAILED gaving filename c:\thing != :\thing
>FAIL: raptor_uri_win32_test
>but I assume that's a fault in the test (since I didn't have windows, I
>didn't know the right answer):
>The test that fails:
>  failures += assert_uri_to_filename ("file:c:\\thing", ":\\thing");
>should be:
>  failures += assert_uri_to_filename ("file:c:\\thing", "c:\\thing");
>Can you confirm?
You are correct, that is a fault in the test.

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