[redland-dev] Python problem: "TypeError: iteration over non-sequence"

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Fri Apr 7 14:49:53 BST 2006

Andre Meyer wrote:
> Dear Redland developers
> I have tried to run the example.py on WinXP (binary installed) with
> Python 2.4.3, but get the following error message:
> D:\python\rdf\librdf>python example.py
> found statement: {[http://purl.org/net/dajobe/], [http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.
> 1/creator], "Dave Beckett"}
> Parsing URI (file) ../data/dc.rdf
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "example.py", line 59, in ?
>     for s in parser.parse_as_stream(uri,uri):
> TypeError: iteration over non-sequence
> What can be wrong here?

Probably it can't find the file ../data/dc.rdf either because it's not
in the ..\data\dc.rdf dir on windows, or it's just there at all.  Try
checking/editing the file path.  That data file is normally  just
shipped with the release, not installed.


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