[redland-dev] Troubles in parsing data into a model

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Mon Mar 27 16:53:18 BST 2006

fiandro at tiscali.it wrote:
> Hi
> as i previously reported about C# bindings (see [1]), i'm having 
> troubles in parsing data into a model with the C API too, so i suppose 
> this is definitely not related to the C# bindings (i'm using latest 
> redland sources fron SVN).

I think it's related to the previously announced change to raptor:

"Future API change: From the next release of Raptor, raptor_statement
predicates will return identifiers of type
-- http://librdf.org/raptor/RELEASE.html#rel1_4_8

> The test app example2.c from librdf package fails to run with the 
> following output
> attilio at attilaptop:~/rdf$ ./parse_URI
> librdf error - Unknown Raptor predicate identifier type 1
> librdf error - Unknown Raptor predicate identifier type 1
> librdf error - Unknown Raptor predicate identifier type 1
> ./parse_URI: Resulting model is:
> [[
>   {[http://example.org/subject], [http://example.org/pred1], "object"}
> ]]
> ./parse_URI: Model contains the statement
> ./parse_URI: Removing the statement
> ./parse_URI: Resulting model is:
> [[
> ]]
> to my unexperienced eyes it looks lik something has changed in the 
> librdf soourcecode that broke raptor parsing, but i cannot find what.
> Any idea about how to restore parsing functionalities ?

Make sure that the raptor (and rasqal) sources are all up to date with
respect to SVN.  That means three directories if you followed the
configuration given at http://librdf.org/INSTALL.html

The latest svn revision 10705 works with the API change.  [Apart from 1
thing in rdf/xml-abbrev serializing that I have yet to fix].


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