[redland-dev] SPARQL DESCRIBE unimplemented/broken?

Dutton, Jeff Jeff.Dutton at stratus.com
Tue Nov 21 15:54:58 UTC 2006

Is the SPARQL DESCRIBE verb unimplemented or broken?  I cannot get a
single result with a DESCRIBE, no matter how trivial my request.
I have tried it with my own database, using Redland 1.0.4, Raptor
1.4.13, and Rasqal 0.9.13.  I tried using "roqet" from the same build.

Finally, I tried doing a query using the http://librdf.org/query
website.  Using http://planetrdf.com/bloggers.rdf as a source (which one
of Dave's presentations references), I can't get a DESCRIBE to work,
whether I specify an explicit URI or a bound variable.

  PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
  SELECT ?title
  WHERE { <http://www.nzlinux.org.nz/blogs/> dc:title ?title }

Query Results: "Visions of Aestia by John Barstow"

  DESCRIBE <http://www.nzlinux.org.nz/blogs/>

Query Results:  NOTHING

In the likely event I am missing something, can someone craft a simple
DESCRIBE query that *will* work against http://librdf.org/query?


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