[redland-dev] trying to read and write Berkeley DB (BDB) using Ruby

Joe Wroblewski joepwro at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 14:52:40 UTC 2006

Using the example Ruby code (example.rb), I was able
to successfully read an RDF file, parse it and store the
statements in Berkeley DB (BDB) hash files.

I've read through all the documentation on the Storage and
Model objects.  I have also gone through all the Ruby
Redland documentation.  I am having trouble figuring out
how the Storage and Model objects interact.

Here is what I would like to do:

I want to write additional code that creates a Storage object
associated with the existing BDB files, create a Model object
associated with that Storage object. And then read and
write statements on that Model object. I'm expecting the statements I
write to the Model object will be persisted by the Berkeley DB (BDB)

Can I do this?  Is there any example code showing how to do this?

Joe Wroblewski
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