[redland-dev] RDF::Redland::Model trouble with PERL CGI

Hinko Frouws hjafrouws at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 13:50:39 UTC 2006

For some reason the following line imported in a CGI script is 'causing a

my $model=3Dnew RDF::Redland::Model($storage, "")

It does work well outside CGI, and the rest of Redland (as far as I can test
it without a model) is not caausing any trouble.

for example in this little snippet:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use RDF::Redland;
sub dingetje{
my $storage=3Dnew RDF::Redland::Storage("hashes", "finaleset",
my $model=3Dnew RDF::Redland::Model($storage, "");

use CGI qw(:standard);
my $storage;
my $model;

print header('text/html')

print h2('so far so good');

print end_html;

Any solutions??

-- =

Vriendelijke groeten,

Hinko Frouws
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