[redland-dev] Java Language Bindings for SPARQL?

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Thu Sep 28 02:29:25 UTC 2006

David Wood wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am creating a NetKernel (http://1060.org) module for Redland using
> Redland's Java language bindings.  Unfortunately, my installation has no
> references to the C function librdf_new_query, except in
> org/librdf/redland/core.java.  That file contains:
>  public final static native long librdf_new_query(long jarg1, String
> jarg2, long jarg3, String jarg
> 4, long jarg5);
> But there is no other reference to an implementation:
> [mackerel:redland]$ grep -il query *.java
> core.java
> [mackerel:redland]$ ls
> Hash.class      Makefile.am  Node.java         Statement.class 
> Stream.java  core.class
> Hash.java       Makefile.in  Parser.class      Statement.java  
> URI.class    core.java
> Iterator.class  Model.class  Parser.java       Storage.class   
> URI.java     core.java.in
> Iterator.java   Model.java   Serializer.class  Storage.java     World.class
> Makefile        Node.class   Serializer.java   Stream.class     World.java
> [mackerel:redland]$

Sure, but it's a native function in the C librdf library.

> Access to the function librdf_new_query is necessary to process SPARQL
> and RDQL queries, which is pretty much what I am trying to accomplish
> :)  The Perl bindings have the wrapper for this function in
> .../RDF/Redland/Query.pm.
> Did I miss something during the build process?  Is there something I
> should have added to this configure line when building the language
> bindings?
> ./configure --with-java --with-perl --with-jdkdir=/Library/Java/Home/
> I built redland-1.0.4 and redland-bindings- on Mac OS X.4.7 using
> Apple's Java 1.5.0_06.

It seems to be in the Java bindings in Subversion last touched in June 2006:

  public Query (World world, String s, URI base_uri, String query_language,
URI query_uri)

      long ibase_uri=(base_uri != null) ? base_uri.__get_object() : 0;
      long iquery_uri=(query_uri != null) ? query_uri.__get_object() : 0;

      this.object=core.librdf_new_query (world.__get_object(),
query_language, iquery_uri, s, ibase_uri);

which I added after the release.

So you should be able to grab it from subversion.  Instructions are at


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