[redland-dev] newbie question using Perl bindings

Golda Velez gv at abra.info
Mon Dec 10 10:54:53 GMT 2007

On Saturday 08 December 2007 17:59, rzeno wrote:
> I don't say nothing about redland *and* dmoz, only about dmoz:-)

point taken ;-)    but since its there...

> Maybe this could help you:
> http://esw.w3.org/topic/DmozRdf

Aha!  Yes, I had done various searches every few months and wasn't happy with 
most of the 'full-service' options. But Steve Rainwater's scripts 
( http://rainwaterreptileranch.org/steve/sw/odp/ ) worked perfectly and now I 
can play.  Glad to know about rapper though as I will use that to validate my 
own RDF....and will find out if it works on RDFa...

Thanks for the help!!


ps I've posted these notes using a simplified annotea namespace in RDFa at 

> More specific and useful help you have in the message posted
> by Gregory Williams <greg at evilfunhouse.com>.
> > I'll keep looking, or try rapper....thanks again 
> >
> to avoid a possible confusion, I'm toking about rapper and roqet from
> redland utils( the package is redland-utils on Debian).
> IMO, until your script works, you must be sure that your file is valid
> rdf and the simplest way is to use rapper.
> If you query your data using rdql or sparql, you must be sure that your
> query works and you could test this with roqet.
> Best regards
> -- 
> "We must be systematic, but we should keep our systems open."
>   -- Alfred North Whitehead, Modes of Thought --
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Golda Velez	520-440-1420		http://goldavelez.com
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