[redland-dev] Adding indexes to the postgres store

Richard Dale richard.j.dale at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 18:02:16 BST 2007

I've been trying out the Redland postgres store with data from the
activerdf sioc browser project. I noticed that when the table to hold
the Statements is created it didn't have any indexes, and so queries
were slow with much table scanning.

I added SQL debug logging like the MySql store has, and created
indexes for the Statements table like this:

"CREATE INDEX c_idx ON %s USING btree (Context)",
"CREATE INDEX sp_idx ON %s USING btree (Subject,Predicate)",
"CREATE INDEX po_idx ON %s USING btree (Predicate,Object)",

Where %s is the name of the particular Statements table.

Please find the changes in the attached patch. Is this a good idea, do
people add indexes manually to their triple stores, or do they find
performance is fine without them?

-- Richard
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