[redland-dev] Installing Redland in Perl 5.8.8

Phil Archer parcher at fosi.org
Fri Jul 25 14:34:41 BST 2008

I /think/ I've managed to install Redland on a new server (running 
Centos 5.2) and will be using it through Perl - but I get the error message

Can't locate loadable object for module RDF::Redland::CORE in @INC

Googling this error message lead me to an e-mail from 2004 [1] which 
suggested moving CORE.so to a slightly different location... but I see 
that it's now Redland.so in 

I'm far from confident I've done everything right here but is there's an 
obvious thing wrong, I'd be grateful for a pointer.




Phil Archer
Chief Technical Officer,
Family Online Safety Institute
w. http://www.fosi.org/people/philarcher/

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