[redland-dev] Building redland-bindings on Mac OS X Leopard

Fabien xphuture at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 17:23:32 GMT 2008


>  In addition to the missing raptor/rasqal libraries pointed out by
>  Alberto, you also need to link against python libraries to resolve the
>  missing _Py* references. For some reason, ./configure could not pick
>  them automatically for you. I don't have Leopard and cannot test
>  anything on it. Anyway, here's the relevant snippet from configure.ac:
>   if test "X$PYTHON_LDFLAGS" != X; then
>     AC_MSG_RESULT(using user flags: $PYTHON_LDFLAGS)
>   else
>     # Guess PYTHON_LDFLAGS if not passed in
>     if test `uname` = Darwin; then
>       PYTHON_LDFLAGS="-Wl,-F. -Wl,-F. -bundle"
>       if $PYTHON -c 'import sys, string;
>  sys.exit(string.find(sys.prefix,"Framework")+1)'; then
>         :
>       else
>         PYTHON_LDFLAGS="$PYTHON_LDFLAGS -framework Python"
>       fi
>     else
>       PYTHON_LDFLAGS="-shared"
>     fi
>     AC_MSG_RESULT(guessed flags: $PYTHON_LDFLAGS)
>   fi
>  To me it seems that the `uname` = Darwin test failed and configure
>  picked up the default "PYTHON_LDFLAGS  = -shared" while it should have
>  picked up something like "PYTHON_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-F. -Wl,-F. -bundle
>  -framework Python" which works at least on earlier OS X releases. What
>  does "uname" say on your system?


Thanks to your answers, I've made various tests are here is what have
give me the best result :

1. ./configure --with-python --with-python-ldflags="-Wl,-F. -Wl,-F.
-bundle -framework Python"
2. Adding `rasqal-config --libs` `raptor-config --libs` to the Makefile
3. make && make install

I still have an error when I'm trying to load the module, but I think
it's because I've messed up my installation and I've mixed to many
files ;)

I will now cleanup my installation and try to make a clean install.
After that, I will came back to the mailing list in order to see how
it can be integrated to the trunk in order to make the life of other
Leopard users easier.

Thanks for your help.

Derrière chaque bogue, il y a un développeur, un homme qui s'est trompé.
(Bon, OK, parfois ils s'y mettent à plusieurs).

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