[redland-dev] new storage module.

Nicholas J Humfrey njh at aelius.com
Mon Apr 26 00:18:54 CEST 2010

> I'm currently estimating the efforts to make a different storage module.
> To this end, I'm wondering if the Redland storage API is available somewhere.

I suggest looking at one of the other modules as an example. Take a look at the 'memory' module:

At the end of the file is the function that registers all the methods that you need to implement.

> The link within page
> http://librdf.org/docs/api/redland-storage-modules.html   is pointing
> to  http://librdf.org/docs/api/api/storage.html.
> Is my guess that '...api/api/... ' is just a typo and the link
> http://librdf.org/docs/api/storage.html is a write one?

Yes. I fixed this in GIT, so the link link should be fixed next time the documentation is re-built.

> If so, is there any additional information how to make the new storage module?

Not that I am aware of, sorry.


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