[redland-dev] ANN: RedStore 0.1 - triplestore powered by Redland

Nicholas J Humfrey njh at aelius.com
Fri Feb 12 14:23:11 CET 2010


I have just released version 0.1 of RedStore:

RedStore is a lightweight RDF triplestore written in C using the Redland
library. It is currently Alpha quality software with many features that
need improving but I thought I would make a release to get it out into the
world and see what people think.

It has been tested on Mac OS X and Linux using librdf-1.0.10 raptor-1.4.20

- SPARQL over HTTP support
- An HTTP interface that is compatible with 4store.
- Only build dependancy is Redland.
- Unit tests for most of the HTTP server code.

- Single process/single threaded
- No request timeouts


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