[redland-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Raptor RDF Parser Library 1.4.21

Dave Beckett dave at dajobe.org
Sat Jan 30 17:27:18 CET 2010

Hash: SHA1

                   Raptor RDF Parser Library 1.4.21

Raptor is a free software / Open Source C library that provides a set
of Resource Description Framework (RDF) parsers and serializers that
both generate RDF triples by parsing syntaxes and serialize RDF
triples into a syntax.  It is a mature, portable and high performance
library that works across many systems and architectures.

It parses the following syntax into RDF triples:
  RDF/XML, N-Triples, TRiG, Turtle, GRDDL (including microformats
  hCard and hCal) and RSS tag soup for RSSes, Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0.
and serializes RDF triples into the following syntaxes:
  RDF/XML, RDF/XML abbreviated, RDF/XML XMP, N-Triples,
  Atom 1.0, RSS 1.0, Graphviz DOT, Turtle and JSON.

          *** WARNING: FUTURE ABI and API CHANGES ***
  Releases of the raptor 1.4.x series will include bug fixes only and no
  new features. New development has moved to raptor 2 where a planned
  ABI and API break is underway. There may be preview releases of
  raptor 2 with 1.9.x numbering.  See http://git.librdf.org/

The main changes in this version since the last release 2009-11-28 are:
  * RDFa parser buffer management problems were fixed.
  * Turtle parser and serializer now use QNames correctly against the
  * RDF/XML parser now resets correctly to detect duplicate rdf:IDs.
  * Made a few other minor bug and build fixes.
  * Fixed reported issues: 0000318, 0000319, 0000326, 0000331,
    0000332 and 0000337

For full details of the changes see the Raptor 1.4.21 release notes at

The source control moved from Subversion to GIT after the last
release of raptor 1.4.20.  See http://git.librdf.org/ for the
instructions how to get the latest sources.  The trunk/master branch
is the Raptor 2 development work, the raptor1 branch is the 1.4.x
series sources such as this release.

Binary deb packages for Debian unstable will be made available
later via the standard Debian archive.

Sources will also be available from the Redland SourceForge mirror
site at http://sourceforge.net/projects/librdf/ although the site is
such a pain to use to upload and manage files, I may stop.

The http://librdf.org/ site lets you browse and check out the latest
version of the sources in Subversion and use Raptor in various demos
as part of Redland such as Triplr http://triplr.org/

For more information on Redland, Raptor or Rasqal please join
the redland-dev list by visiting http://librdf.org/lists/
or visit IRC channel #redland on irc.freenode.net

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)


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