[redland-dev] Compiling all packages on Linux 64

Chris Wj chris0wj at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 20:20:46 CET 2010

I'm trying to compile the latest packages from git. I make a directory
"redland_all" and in there I check out all the git repositories. So i have:
redland_all/raptor, redland_all/rasqal, redland_all/librdf, and
I want to install the binaries and libraries to a non-default prefix in my
home directory. I use --prefix=$HOME/opt/redland.
I can compile and install raptor not a problem, but when I get to rasqal, I
cannot get it to see the new raptor library. I use the option
--with-raptor=internal, and it does not find ../raptor as the docs say it
should. I added lib, bin, and include from $HOME/opt/redland/ to the path
(first entries) as well (I can run raptor-config).

I always get configure: error: Raptor missing - get it from
I went to the corresponding error in the configure script, and it seems as
it only uses pkg-config to find raptor. As soon as it doesn't get anything
from 'pkg-config raptor' it stops; no matter what I put for --with-raptor.

Can anyone provide some guidance as to how to allow rasqal to find the newly
compiled raptor?

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