[redland-dev] SPARQL queries in rdfproc using Virtuoso
naktinis at gmail.com
Sun May 9 21:44:37 CEST 2010
I can add triples to virtuoso using rdfproc, but SPARQL queries just don't
seem to work.
Triple is added successfully:
$ rdfproc -r xml -s virtuoso -t "user='usr',password='psw',dsn='VOS'"
somecontext add aa bb cc
rdfproc: added triple to the graph
Triple can be found using "find" command:
$ rdfproc -r xml -s virtuoso -t "user='usr',password='psw',dsn='VOS'"
somecontext find aa bb cc
Matched triple: {[aa], [bb], "cc"} with context [somecontext]
rdfproc: matching triples: 1
However, SPARQL queries return 0 results:
$ rdfproc -s virtuoso -t "user='usr',password='psw',dsn='VOS'" somecontext
query sparql - "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}"
rdfproc: Query returned bindings results:
rdfproc: Query returned 0 results
Am I missing something here?
Note: I can run a similar query successfully in ODBC's ISQL like this:
<somecontext> {?s ?p ?o}}', NULL, 0)
1 row fetched
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