[redland-dev] SPARQL queries in rdfproc using Virtuoso

Rimvydas naktinis at gmail.com
Mon May 10 01:39:49 CEST 2010


I recompiled redland once again:
checking for UnixODBC support... yes
Triple stores enabled   : memory file hashes trees mysql sqlite postgresql

Running the test confirms what I observed:

$ utils/redland-virtuoso-test "dsn='VOS',user='usr',password='psw'"
  1: Remove all triples in <http://red> context
**PASSED**: removed context triples from the graph
  2: Add triples to <http://red> context
**PASSED**: add triple to context
  3: Print all triples in <http://red> context
  4: Count of triples in <http://red> context
**PASSED**: graph has 6 triples
  5: Exec:  ARC  aa bb
**FAILED**: Failed to get arc
  6: Exec:  ARCS  aa cc
: matching nodes: 0
  7: Exec:  ARCS-IN  cc
**PASSED**: matching arcs: 0
  8: Exec:  ARCS-OUT  aa
**PASSED**: matching arcs: 0
  9: Exec:  CONTAINS aa bb1 cc
**PASSED**: the graph contains the triple
 10: Exec:  FIND aa - -
**PASSED**: matching triples: 0
 11: Exec:  HAS-ARC-IN cc bb
**FAILED**: the graph does not contain the arc
 12: Exec:  HAS-ARC-OUT aa bb
**FAILED**: the graph does not contain the arc
 13: Exec:  SOURCE  aa cc
**FAILED**: Failed to get source
 14: Exec:  SOURCES  bb cc
: matching nodes: 0
 15: Exec:  TARGET  aa bb
**FAILED**: Failed to get target
 16: Exec:  TARGETS  aa bb
: matching nodes: 0
 17: Exec:  REMOVE aa bb1 cc
**PASSED**: removed triple from the graph
 18: Exec:  QUERY "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} FROM <http://red> WHERE {?s ?p ?o}"
rdf_model.c:1393: (librdf_model_query_execute) assertion failed: object
pointer of type librdf_query is NULL.
**FAILED**: Query of model with 'CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} FROM <http://red>
WHERE {?s ?p ?o}' failed
rdf_query.c:390: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of
type librdf_query is NULL.
rdf_query.c:390: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of
type librdf_query is NULL.
 19: Exec1:  QUERY_AS_BINDINGS "SELECT * WHERE {graph <http://red> { ?s ?p
?o }}"
rdf_model.c:1393: (librdf_model_query_execute) assertion failed: object
pointer of type librdf_query is NULL.
**FAILED**: Query of model with 'SELECT * WHERE {graph <http://red> { ?s ?p
?o }}' failed
rdf_query.c:390: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of
type librdf_query is NULL.
rdf_query.c:390: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of
type librdf_query is NULL.
 20: Exec2:  QUERY_AS_BINDINGS "SELECT * WHERE {graph <http://red> { ?s ?p
?o }}"
rdf_model.c:1393: (librdf_model_query_execute) assertion failed: object
pointer of type librdf_query is NULL.
**FAILED**: Query of model with 'SELECT * WHERE {graph <http://red> { ?s ?p
?o }}' failed
rdf_query.c:390: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of
type librdf_query is NULL.
rdf_query.c:390: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of
type librdf_query is NULL.

Maybe it is somehow related with Virtuoso's version I use (

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:24 AM, Hugh Williams <hwilliams at openlinksw.com>wrote:

> Hi Rymvydas,
> Have you built the Redland Storage Provider into your Redland RDF Framework
> library as detailed at:
> http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtRDFDriverRedland
>  and ran the provides storage test programs to verified its operation ?
> Best Regards
> Hugh Williams
> Professional Services
> OpenLink Software
> Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
> Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
> Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink
> On 9 May 2010, at 20:44, Rimvydas wrote:
> > I can add triples to virtuoso using rdfproc, but SPARQL queries just
> don't seem to work.
> >
> > Triple is added successfully:
> > $ rdfproc -r xml -s virtuoso -t "user='usr',password='psw',dsn='VOS'"
> somecontext add aa bb cc
> > rdfproc: added triple to the graph
> >
> > Triple can be found using "find" command:
> > $ rdfproc -r xml -s virtuoso -t "user='usr',password='psw',dsn='VOS'"
> somecontext find aa bb cc
> > Matched triple: {[aa], [bb], "cc"} with context [somecontext]
> > rdfproc: matching triples: 1
> >
> > However, SPARQL queries return 0 results:
> > $ rdfproc -s virtuoso -t "user='usr',password='psw',dsn='VOS'"
> somecontext query sparql - "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}"
> > rdfproc: Query returned bindings results:
> > rdfproc: Query returned 0 results
> >
> > Am I missing something here?
> >
> > Note: I can run a similar query successfully in ODBC's ISQL like this:
> <somecontext> {?s ?p ?o}}', NULL, 0)
> > ...
> > 1 row fetched
> >
> > --
> > Rimvydas
> > _______________________________________________
> > redland-dev mailing list
> > redland-dev at lists.librdf.org
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Rimvydas Naktinis
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