[redland-dev] slow model creation with ruby bindings

Martin Guetlein guetlein at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Sep 7 16:14:33 CEST 2010

Hello All,

I am using librdf via ruby bindings, to create and parse rdf
resources. I now ran into the problem that creating rdfs takes a lot
of time when building internal nodes / graphs.

In other words: it is very fast to add triples with a root node as
subject. It is much(!) slower to add new nodes to a root node, and
then adding triples that have the new nodes as subject.

What's the reason for this? Is there a workaround for speeding things
up (e.g. disable internal validation stuff, I just want my triples
printed out)?

Many thanks in advance, best regards,

Dipl-Inf. Martin Gütlein
+49 (0)761 203 8442 (office)
+49 (0)177 623 9499 (mobile)
guetlein at informatik.uni-freiburg.de

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