[redland-dev] Can Redland process transitive properties when running Sparql queries?

Seref Arikan serefarikan at kurumsalteknoloji.com
Mon Aug 27 11:32:21 EDT 2012

I need to process rdf in postgresql functions, and my plan is to use Python
wrappers for Redland to process turtle synax rdf, with some Sparql queries.

Jena helps me on the client side by making use of transitive properties, so
when in my ontology a relation among nodes such as this one exists:

A contains B contains C

A Sparql query run by Jena for ?Node :contains ?childNode
returns both A B and A C pairs, due to transitive nature of contains
property. Protege can not make use of this information for example. so the
same Sparql query returns only A contains B when run from Protege.

If I use Redland, would it be able to act in the same way as Jena? Your
response would help me skip installation time for the whole stack to find
the answers on my own and it would be appreciated a lot :)

Kind regards
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