[redland-dev] Problem or misunderstanding with CONSTRUCT and blank nodes
David Brooks
d.brooks at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Feb 22 18:42:34 EST 2012
Hmm, I will pass on this one, as I'm learning as I go and don't know the
answer to the question "Is there some way to use SPARQL to delete
statements that include a blank node?".
Back to your original question about CONSTRUCT though, this does work
for me. Taking the graph:
@base <http://example.org/uris/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix ex: <http://example.org/terms#> .
<s1> <p1> [
a rdf:Seq ;
rdf:_1 <u1> ;
rdf:_2 [ ex:list <u2> ] ;
] .
<s2> <p1> [
a rdf:Seq ;
rdf:_1 <u1> ;
rdf:_2 [ ex:list <u2> ] ;
] .
then the SPARQL:
base <http://example.org/uris/>
prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
prefix ex: <http://example.org/terms#>
<s1> <p1> ?seq .
?seq ?seq_index ?uri .
?uri ex:list ?uri2
{ <s1> <p1> ?seq .
?seq ?seq_index ?uri
OPTIONAL { ?uri ex:list ?uri2 }
will (using roqet) return the sub-graph:
<s1> <p1> [
a rdf:Seq ;
rdf:_1 <u1> ;
rdf:_2 [ ex:list <u2> ] ;
] .
Best regards,
On 23/02/12 6:24 AM, Maxence Guesdon wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Feb 2012 10:28:52 +1300
> David Brooks<d.brooks at auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
>> I would use "DELETE WHERE { ... }" -- see
>> http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#deleteInsert.
> Hello,
> I just tried to to that, with no success.
> If I try:
> DELETE {<http://subject> <http://pred> ?seq .
> ?seq ?seq_index ?uri .
> ?uri<http://listOf> ?uri2
> }
> <http://subject> <http://pred> ?seq .
> ?seq ?seq_index ?uri
> OPTIONAL { ?uri<listOf> ?uri2 }
> With the same model as in my previous message, ?seq, ?seq_index and
> sometimes ?uri match blank nodes. I thought these variables would refer to
> the original blank nodes, so that they would be removed. But it does not
> seem to be the case.
> http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#deleteInsert states that
> "Blank nodes are prohibited in a DELETE template, since using a new blank
> node in a DELETE template would lead to nothing being deleted, as a new
> blank node cannot match anything in the Graph Store."
> So it seems like it behaves like with the construct template.
> So, is it impossible to delete blank nodes with such delete queries ?
> Regards,
> Maxence
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> On 22/02/12 12:29 AM, Maxence Guesdon wrote:
>>> On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 21:52:48 +1300
>>> David Brooks<d.brooks at auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
>>>> Hi Maxence,
>>> Hello,
>>>> Blank nodes are anonymous -- the nodes without labels in a visual graph
>>>> of your model.
>>>> In an RDF store these nodes are given identifiers in order to include
>>>> the nodes in statements. The actual value of a blank node's identifier
>>>> though is local to the graph it is part of. Generating another graph via
>>>> a query is very likely to assign different values, and even two
>>>> identical queries against the same graph are likely to return different
>>>> blank node identifiers.
>>> Thanks for your answer. So that's a feature.
>>> The reason why I encountered this problem is that I wanted to remove a part
>>> of my model. So this query was supposed to return the statements to remove
>>> from my model.
>>> I have to do it another way. For information, since I have no experience
>>> yet of performing such an operation, what is your favorite way of removing
>>> part of your model when it contains blank nodes ? I mean, the less painful
>>> one, of cource :-)
>>> Regards,
>>> Maxence
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