[redland-dev] First use of raptor2 (Windows)

Steve Harris steve.harris at garlik.com
Tue May 15 05:18:49 EDT 2012

On 15 May 2012, at 10:04, John Emmas wrote:

> On 7 May 2012, at 16:56, Dave Beckett wrote:
>> raptor2.h is build from raptor2.h.in by the configure process;
>> for VC you will have to create it by hand editing for now.  You will
>> also need to update win32_raptor_config.h
> On 10 May 2012, at 23:28, Bob DuCharme wrote:
>> I'm looking forward to it and would be happy to try it, tweet it, and more when it's ready!
> Hello Dave & Bob,
> I've done those manual edits and I'm hoping that I'll have a new MSVC project file ready for libraptor in the next few hours (it'll only be for raptor itself - not for rasqal / librdf etc).  It'll be for VC++ 8 and will be similar to the original one I got from Andras.
> Unfortunately, my mind's gone blank about some of the turtle modules....  I remember noticing that turtle_parser.c and turtle_lexer.c were missing from the sources that I downloaded from GIT - but I can't remember whether or not that was deliberate.  They were present in the 2.0.7 source tarball.  Do I need to add them back or have they been deliberately removed now?

They should be generated by flex (turtle_lexer.c) and yacc/bison (turtle_parser.c), so would be in the tarball, but not in Git.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO
Garlik, a part of Experian 
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